From the guy who looks like a paranoid Clark Griswold
Where's my tinfoil hat?
I believe this is the most creative description of The Donald yet.
And here's my quick musical interlude on it:
Wouldn't it be interesting if The Donald was invited to one of those Sunday morning Televangelist shows and they surprised him with an exorcism ritual?
I was just reading a post about Trump escalating attacks on Bill Clinton.
Yes, you read that right.
Anyway, it had the usual assortment of comments, including one pro Trump comment from someone with what looks like a fake German last name. I checked his profile, and as expected found a mostly empty page. No posts and only one "friend or following". This turned out to be a page for the Chief Executive or Hong Kong, which may not be genuine. All of his posts were in Chinese.
I guess US based trolls are too expensive, so the trolls are coming from a Hong Kong based service, as are the "Make America Great Again" hats.
Instead of screaming about the difference between the current favored candidates, maybe we should consider what they have in common.
Yes, both have married daughters, Chelsea Clinton, and Ivanka Trump.
What's more, both daughters have father-in-laws who were convicted felons!
And for those of you inclined to conspiracy theories involving the New World Order, Bilderberg Group, and Rothchilds, both father-in-laws were Jewish!
How did you manage to miss that?
Personally, I go against the grain and think he looks more like a chicken.
Meanwhile, he must be thankful for the likes of Trump, Cruz, and Christie keeping him out of the public eye.
But no, he hasn't fully escaped, with Bette Midler being the latest in the line of cruel critics of the distinguished senator.
Another kind of obstruction in "If Only You News" and probably tonnes (as they say in the UK) of other sites.
Here's a live performance of "Sex and Drugs and Rock n Roll" by Ian Drury and the Blockheads.
You could put together a fantastic collage using this, with everyone from JFK to Clinton, New Gingrich, my favorites Courser and Gamrat, Elliot Spitzer, Berlusconi, Wilbur Mills and Fanny Fox with a list that never seems to end.
This one really makes me smile. It's not from The Onion. The guy from the Noah's Ark Theme Park must be in a berserk rage, and any Family Values types.
P-Funk at Snithsonian
Rabbi Shmuley, the "Shalom In The Home" guy is probably one of the few Jewish Televangelists in existence. True to form, he wanted to have a multi-million dollar house declared as a religious sanctuary to avoid taxes. Maybe he should move to Texas.
A true religious building
I saw something about this posted on FB by Fantasy/ SF writer Raymond Feist. The people using this are more likely to turn on each other than any governments, especially if one thinks the other is ripping him off. It's interesting to see where the funds are.
Panama Papers