Godzilla Triumphant 2020?

We all realize the 2016 election cycle is a mess. Thankfully, we can look forward to 2020 and the possibility of Kanye West, and maybe Howard Stern if we can convince him to run, which he should seriously consider given the impact he has had since Trump was nominated. 
And let's not forget third parties. I'm thinking the Godzilla Triumphant Party could revolutionize US Politics. Even though the Big G isn't a citizen, he can still provide inspiration and guidance, much as Vladimir Putin has for Mr. D. Trump.

From A Bernie Bro Plus

I have a long time friend who has gone far beyond the normal limits of a Bernie Bro into the land of conspiracy theorists and tinfoil hats, virtually indistinguishable from those in the far right la la land of Alex Jones. 
This one combines all of our favorite Hillary, Rothschild, Federal Reserve, and probably Bilderberg and New World Order all in one wonderful package.


Fake Microsoft Support Scammers Hacked (Boo Hoo)

Yes, a security expert counterattacked some of those fake ms support hackers operating out of India with some ransomware. II would love to have been able to hear the dialog in their data centre.

Ha Ha

"Help! The client's PC has somehow managed to disable our network! It seems apparent that our fake virus was more effective than we have believed possible."

Screwy Louie And Other Dinosaurs

So some, but not all, of the Democratic Congressional Reps decided to hold a sit-in after the [mostly inbred] GOP Reps displayed their expected behavior regarding guns for terrorists. 

The classic response was by Rep. Louie [Glow worm] Gohmert, yelling about "Radical Islam...", forgetting he may well represent "Radical Inbreeding."

There was another story yesterday, about an Alabama woman requiring rescue, when she was unable to get out of a plush dinosaur head from a "Barney" costume, which also seems like something that could happen to Rep. Louie.

Rep. Don Young of Alaska, of bolo tie fame,  also had to be restrained