Cheapo Parlor Guitar Shootout

I like cheap guitars. They're actually have better quality and a much lower price in relative terms to what were considered standard guitars in the 1960's.
In this case I'm comparing a Ibanez PN15 to a Gretsch "Jim Dandy". Yes, that's the Gretsch's actual name. I apologize for the mumbling.

The Gretsch has a much smaller body and shorter neck, but with more distance between strings, and stylistically correct open tuners, while the Ibanez has a larger body and longer neck, and contemporary closed tuners. It seems to have more body resonance, and the guitar weighs much more.  I play the same material on each guitar. BTW, the Gretsch is much more comfortable to play.
Once again, I apologize for the mumbling.

Please Stop With The Divisiveness!

Instead of screaming about the difference between the current favored candidates, maybe we should consider what they have in common. 

Yes, both have married daughters, Chelsea Clinton, and Ivanka Trump.

What's more, both daughters have father-in-laws who were convicted felons!

And for those of you inclined to conspiracy theories involving the New World Order, Bilderberg Group, and Rothchilds, both father-in-laws were Jewish!

How did you manage to miss that?