Trump vs Koch

Earlier this morning, Lord Cheeto attacked the Koch brothers on Twitter after the weekends news that they were vehemently opposed to his tariffs and divisiveness. What I'm finding interesting is an almost complete lack of support from his trolls. Where did he go? Did he "forget" to pay them?

Trump, UFOs, and Extraterrestrials, a Short Compilation

Searching for relief from The Donald's â„¢ American Idol style Cabinet appointments, I found a couple of articles on his relationship to UFOs etc. Yes, there are people who take this seriously. 
The first appeared in the Event Handbook on FB which is tied to the Event Chronicle website,  and the author's own Presidential UFO site. Yes, that also exists.

Trump UFO Briefing

It actually presents some other valid points such as Trump not learning about UFOs since he ignores briefing of any kind since he considers himself above that due to his superior intelligence.

Meanwhile, I also found this other gem, in the allegedly more reputable Huffington Post. It has a really nice picture of The Donald â„¢ with an extra-terrestrial.

Even UFOs Are Following Trump (Despite Being Undocumented Aliens)

Stay tuned for updates...