Yes, Alex Jones is going into full tinfoil hat mode!
Boy, the guys at Event Chronicle Never fail to disappoint.
Wonderful picture too. This is the sort of thing that 99 cent Kindle novels are made of, featuring the Illuminati, Knights Templar, Nazis, Extra-terrestrials, Rothschilds, Khazarian Jewish Mafia, and sometimes all of them!
Yes, there have been weird rumors of strange goings on in Antarctica immediately after WWII - entire Naval fleets disappearing, etc.

Incredibly enough, after spouting about Evil Wall Street supporting Hillary, blah, blah to his adoring hordes, Donald has decided to appoint three of them to Cabinet positions, and lo and behold, they aren't just your normal Wall Street ghouls, but also Jews, which means they are minions of the Rothschilds, Khazarian Jewish Mafia, etc..
You know, the ones who control the Federal Reserve and the rest of the world's banking systems. Hey, why stop there? They also control the whole world, right?
"The Event Chronicle", a website that at times resembles the old "Weekly World News", and features rambling by a guy who resembles an an angry version of Chevy Chase, was just proclaiming that the Khazarian Jewish Mafia had just been banned in several countries, attributing it somewhat to Trump. Now however, these appointments may bring his noble altruism into question.
All About Da Rothschilds (Event Chronicle)
BTW, they had an even better one yesterday about Trump's briefings on UFO's
And here's a wonderful illustration