Well, this somewhat refutes the argument that the Democratic Party didn't get out the vote.
It would also be interesting to have 1,000,000 plus people in one place yelling "Donald you're an asshole!", or a large portion of them lining the inauguration parade route doing the same
Now, if Trump wants to set a good example, he should cease manufacturing Trump branded merchandise overseas, not make any payments due for the crap (he's good at that, believe me) , and destroy any existing inventory.
So it looks like the Yellow Haired Charlatan appointed a shiny new campaign manager in the dead of the night. Not only that, but also a CEO. I guess hat and t-shirt sales have been going down.
This could also involve trying to get Manafort out of view and fading away, as also seems to be the case with our Esteemed Governor Of NJ.
Here's an interesting article from Bloomberg on the shenanigans at Trump's 40 Wall St. Building.
It's like a crackhouse for the 1%
Has anyone come out with a Donald Trump joke book yet?
I believe this is the most creative description of The Donald yet.
And here's my quick musical interlude on it:
Wouldn't it be interesting if The Donald was invited to one of those Sunday morning Televangelist shows and they surprised him with an exorcism ritual?
I was just reading a post about Trump escalating attacks on Bill Clinton.
Yes, you read that right.
Anyway, it had the usual assortment of comments, including one pro Trump comment from someone with what looks like a fake German last name. I checked his profile, and as expected found a mostly empty page. No posts and only one "friend or following". This turned out to be a page for the Chief Executive or Hong Kong, which may not be genuine. All of his posts were in Chinese.
I guess US based trolls are too expensive, so the trolls are coming from a Hong Kong based service, as are the "Make America Great Again" hats.